Why Did Dan Dial Redesign a Tesla Coil?
First what is a “Tesla Coil”? A Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit designed by inventor Nikola Tesla around 1891. It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity.
People ask me why I redesigned a Tesla coil for human and animal use, well over 25 years ago I had several people with stage 4 cancer that used the Molecular Enhancer. During this period with these people the Enhancer started experiencing a problem, after a short while, about 20 minutes, the glass on the base would get so hot under the copper that the glass would get a crack causing the Enhancer to stop.
After thinking on it for a while I deduced that their bodies weren’t efficiently using the energy the Enhancer was supplying, therefore their bodies were requiring an extreme amount of energy for change, which the Enhancer had a hard time supplying. So I decided to build a Tesla style coil but with my own custom modifications. The results with my new Tesla coil design were very interesting, within a 30 minute exposure to the Tesla coil the people stopped breaking glass all together.
Standard Tesla coils can only be operated for short periods of time before they over heat (less than 15 minutes). Getting a standard Tesla coil design to run for a full hour was a challenge. Over the years I kept redesigning the coil and 7 models later I achieved a Tesla coil system with frequencies that appears to support life and that can operate continuously with very little maintenance.
The first prototype of the new model has gotten over 13,000 hours on it and only had one minor issue that was simple to correct. The new Tesla-Dial Coil sports a rotary spark gap of my own design that runs at a very high speed, 5000 Hz. The new TDC design also solved most of the thermal problems traditional Tesla coils suffer from.
The previous model before the new TDC redesign required maintenance every 250 hours and was twice as noisy. The first maintenance on the new TDC model prototype was at 804 hours of use, so the system is robust enough to last quite a while.
I have designed the TDC to be modular which allows for dis-assembly and repair if needed. Also with the new style capacitor I designed for the TDC ozone emissions have been reduced by 85% and hasn’t required any maintenance.
Every week we get reports from people about the positive effects the TDC has on the challenges they face. This also stands true for people who bring their animals, from dogs and horses to peacocks and reptiles, animals love to be in front of the TDC. And for those of us that feel our animals are family it’s nice to be helping them with their energy needs too.
The TDC is very easy to use, you do not touch the TDC, but simply rest/sleep in front of it for a desired length of time. When you use the TDC make sure that your feet are pointed at the coil, I’ve found that alignment is important, sitting sideways to it does not produce the same effect, it lessens the effect for humans.
Animals it doesn’t seem to matter as much, a lot of people have their animals in their laps and so they can get treated, but interesting enough most time small animals end up facing the coil between their humans’ legs. Our horses stand around the TDC and will position the sore parts of their bodies closest to the TDC.
It is important to mention that energy devices that provide the body access to a wide range of frequencies do not heal. They are not medical they are science, and one might argue if made correctly these devices can be a support to the quality of life for humans, animals and plants.
I look forward to this very interesting journey with the TDC.
-Dan Dial
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
The Tesla-Dial Coil does not hear or cure, it is an experimental device currently undergoing research.